MILLION A WEEK CLUB – Your Rad This Week in the US – Week 7

“This is a Bad situation for all exposed to the Rad. Now included, for the 7th Week of 2018 just passed, all cities above 7,000,000 CPM Year to Date of deadly Gamma Radiation and its unpublished radioactive kin. A Count is One Radioactive Decay….” Bob Nichols

“Reactors all leak all the time.”

“Since the reactors leak Rads every day, and have since their construction; the nation is long past saving. There is nothing that can be done now.”

“Are you in a city that gets a Million Counts of Radiation a Week? First, how on earth are you going to find out? Folks, that is a secret, isn’t it?”

“The amount of Rad in the air now Dooms Humanity to a relatively quick Extinction. Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.”

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This is a public service message brought to your and yours by Lucy Occupy and Friends. Share here and there with your smart friends; read and watch first. BE INFORMED, NOT JUST OPINIONATED! #DodgeTheRads because YOU KNOW WHY! – l